Blue 9.2 Release Q&A Webinar

In this release webinar, we will share key enhancements in Blue 9.2 which include the enhancements in Response Rate Monitor and report logs. The Explorance product team has also carefully refined Blue 9 experiences based on the valuable feedback from our customers since the initial release. Join this release webinar to see how Blue [...]

MLY 2.0 Release Q&A Webinar

Join this release webinar to learn about the new features and functionalities in MLY 2.0. This release provides enhanced widgets functionality, including new Recommendations and Alerts widgets, options to view the most representative comments in widgets, and the ability to breakdown widgets in a top/bottom analysis using two key insights from a dataset, facilitating [...]

Webinaire de Q&R sur la sortie de Blue 9.2

Dans ce webinaire, nous partagerons les améliorations clés de Blue 9.2 qui comprennent les améliorations dans le moniteur de taux de réponse et les journaux de rapports. L'équipe de produit d'Explorance a aussi soigneusement raffiné les expériences de Blue 9 en se basant sur les précieux feedbacks de nos clients depuis le lancement initial. [...]