Learning webinars
If you miss a webinar or simply want to review a webinar that happened in the past, this is the place to be!
As part of the Bluenotes community, you have access to both community-led learning webinars by your fellow like-minded colleagues in the Bluenotes community and learning webinars provided by Explorance experts.
Ask an Expert about Blue Dashboard, Reports, Analysis, and Report Distribution
In the interactive "Ask an Expert" learning webinar series, Explorance solution experts will answer pre-submitted questions from Blue users on Blue Dashboard, reports, analysis, and report distribution. Whether you’ve just started with Blue or you’re an Expert, this webinar is for you! Please submit your questions on the registration form below. If you have any specific questions on this topic that you would like us to consider while preparing for this webinar, please feel free to let us know on your registration form or via this community’s webinar discussion forum post.
Based on your submitted questions, the topics that will be covered are:
- Reporting on questions selected/personalized by stakeholder
- Tailoring the Dashboard view for specific stakeholders
- Showing individual results in an Aggregate-level report
- Combining response data from several questions when reporting
** while we do our best to cover all questions submitted, at times we may not be able to fit all the content in the time allotted. Rest assured that any question not covered, will be added to the list for the upcoming Ask the Expert webinar.
This learning webinar will also be delivered in French. To register for the French session, please see the separate registration form below.
Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- November 19, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- November 20, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- November 20, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Explorance's Solutions Architecture Team
Comment personnaliser au mieux Blue Dashboard pour éclairer votre prise de décision et vos actions d'amélioration
Votre processus de collecte de feedback est terminé et vous êtes prêt à partager les résultats avec les principales parties prenantes. De plus en plus d'établissements utilisent Blue Dashboard en complément des rapports Blue. Blue Dashboard permet aux parties prenantes d'explorer et d'interpréter l'information de manière interactive afin de répondre à leurs besoins spécifiques, ce qui permet de mieux informer la prise de décision et les actions d'amélioration.
Dans ce webinaire d'apprentissage, les experts en solutions d'Explorance vous montreront comment les utilisateurs de Blue Dashboard peuvent filtrer, comparer ou explorer des points de données spécifiques pour une analyse plus approfondie, aidant à découvrir des tendances et des modèles qui pourraient ne pas être immédiatement apparents. Avec des contrôles administratifs plus avancés disponibles dans la dernière version, les administrateurs de Blue Dashboard peuvent personnaliser une interface intuitive et conviviale qui simplifie la préparation des portfolios d'instructeurs pour la révision et plus encore. De plus, vous pouvez fournir des liens vers des ressources précieuses via le Blue Dashboard. Participez à ce webinaire d'apprentissage pour voir également comment différents Blue Dashboard peuvent être configurés pour différentes parties prenantes afin de se conformer aux exigences de confidentialité et de politique de votre établissement, car chaque tableau de bord peut être adapté pour afficher des mesures et des perspectives pertinentes en fonction du rôle et des besoins du lecteur.
Si vous avez des questions que vous aimeriez voir abordées dans ce webinaire d'apprentissage, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part sur votre formulaire d'inscription ou via le forum de discussion de ce webinaire de la communauté.
Date: Mercredi 6 novembre 2024
Heure: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Heure de l'Est
Présentateurs: L'équipe d'architecture des solutions d'Explorance
How Best to Customize Blue Dashboard to Inform Your Decision-Making and Improvement Actions
Your feedback collection process is complete and you’re ready to share the results with key stakeholders. More and more institutions are using Blue Dashboard to compliment Blue reports. Blue Dashboard allows stakeholders to explore and interpret information in an interactive way to meet their specific needs, ultimately better informing decision-making and improvement actions.
In this learning webinar, Explorance solution experts will show you how Blue Dashboard viewers can filter, compare or drill down into specific data points for a deeper analysis, helping uncover trends and patterns that might not be immediately apparent. With more advanced administrative controls available in the latest release (version 4.2), Blue Dashboard admins can customize an intuitive and user-friendly interface that simplifies the preparation of instructor portfolios for review and for other purposes. Also, you can provide links to valuable resources via the Blue Dashboard. Join this learning webinar to also see how different Blue Dashboards can be configured for different stakeholders to comply with privacy and policy requirements at your institution, as each dashboard can be tailored to display relevant metrics and insights based on the viewer’s role and needs.
If you have any specific questions that you would like us to consider while preparing for this webinar, please feel free to let us know on your registration form or via this community’s webinar discussion forum post.
This learning webinar will also be delivered in French. To register for the French session, please see the separate registration form below.
Date: Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- November 5, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- November 6, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- November 6, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Explorance's Solutions Architecture Team
Blue Dashboard 4.2 Release Q&A Webinar – What’s New in the Driver’s Seat and Under the Hood
Join this release webinar to learn about the new features and functionalities in Blue Dashboard 4.2! In this webinar, Explorance product experts will share the new enhancements made in Blue Dashboard 4.2, such as Blue Dashboard admin ability to refine/filter the data available to end users, supporting right-to-left languages, and more.
Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- October 22, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- October 23, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- October 23, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenter: David Norenberg, Product Training Specialist, Explorance
MassBay Community College’s “Special Sauce” - An Innovative Approach to Increasing Response Rates and Engagement
How do you get respondents to complete their surveys, even if there is no compulsory factor to do so? MassBay Community College successfully achieves a response rate of 55-70% on course evaluations for each session/ semester throughout the academic year, without a compulsory factor for students to complete their evaluations.
In this webinar, Bridget Madden of MassBay Community College will share the innovative approaches that she implements at the college to boost response rates. Join this session to learn MassBay’s “special sauce” recipe, which includes a comprehensive communication plan, use of multiple channels (analog and digital) and types of information communicated, and thorough calendaring techniques. These combined “ingredients” help boost student and faculty engagement and overall course evaluation response rates.
Date: Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Time: 2pm Eastern Time
Presented by: Bridget Madden, MassBay Community College
Demandez à un expert ! À propos des taux de réponse et des configurations de projets/rapports dans Blue
Pour faire suite au webinaire d'apprentissage " Configurations de projets et de rapports dans Blue pour diverses approches de gestion des évaluations de cours multi-sections et en équipe " du 7 août, et au webinaire " Comment comprendre les taux de réponse dans les évaluations de cours multi-sections et en équipe " du 18 septembre, les experts en solutions d'Explorance répondront aux questions des participants, Les experts en solutions d'Explorance répondront aux questions que vous aurez soumises au préalable sur les taux de réponse et les configurations de projets/rapports en Blue (les enregistrements des webinaires d'apprentissage du 7 août et du 18 septembre seront disponibles dans les 3 à 5 jours suivant les webinaires d'apprentissage, au cas où vous n'auriez pas pu vous joindre à eux ou que vous aimeriez revisiter le contenu).
Si vous avez des questions que vous aimeriez voir abordées dans ce webinaire d'apprentissage, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part sur votre formulaire d'inscription ou via le forum de discussion de ce webinaire de la communauté.
Date: Mercredi 25 septembre 2024
Heure: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Heure de l'Est
Présentateurs: L'équipe d'architecture des solutions d'Explorance
Ask an Expert! About Response Rates and Project/Report Set-ups in Blue
As a follow up to the “Project and Report Set-ups in Blue for Various Approaches to Handling Multi-Section and Team-Taught Course Evaluations” learning webinar on August 7, and the “How to Make Sense of Response Rates in Multi-Section and Team-Taught Course Evaluations” on September 18, Explorance solution experts will answer pre-submitted questions** from you on the topics of response rates and project/report set-ups in Blue (the recordings of the August 7 and September 18 learning webinars will be available within 3-5 days after the learning webinars, in case you weren’t able to join or you’d like to revisit the content). Please submit your questions on the registration form below and continue asking questions and discussing this topic in the community discussion forum post.
This learning webinar will also be delivered in French. To register for the French session, please see the separate registration form below.
Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- September 24, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- September 25, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- September 25, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Explorance's Solutions Architecture Team
Comment interpréter les taux de réponse dans les évaluations de cours multi-sections et en équipe
Dans le webinaire précédent " Configuration de projets et de rapports dans Blue pour diverses approches de gestion des évaluations de cours multi-sections et en équipe ", nous avons parlé de la configuration de projets et de rapports dans Blue pour les évaluations de cours multi-sections et en équipe, ainsi que de la division et de la fusion de cours à l'aide de DIG. Les taux de réponse peuvent être trouvés/surveillés à trois endroits dans Blue (dans le tableau des réponses dans le bloc de rapport inter-catégories, via le moniteur de taux de réponse, et par le biais de la gestion des sujets, etc.) Dans ce webinaire d'apprentissage, nous examinerons les diverses caractéristiques et fonctionnalités de Blue que vous pouvez utiliser pour partager les taux de réponse dans l'effort d'engager les parties prenantes et d'améliorer les taux en général. Joignez-vous à ce webinaire d'apprentissage alors que nous poursuivons la discussion en examinant les façons dont nous pouvons surveiller les taux de réponse tout en comprenant ce que nous rapportons. Nous jetterons également un coup d'œil sur les fonctionnalités améliorées du moniteur de taux de réponse publié dans Blue 9.2.
Si vous avez des questions que vous aimeriez voir abordées dans ce webinaire d'apprentissage, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part sur votre formulaire d'inscription ou via le forum de discussion de ce webinaire de la communauté.
Date: Mercredi 18 septembre 2024
Heure: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Heure de l'Est
Présentateurs: L'équipe d'architecture des solutions d'Explorance
How to Make Sense of Response Rates in Multi-Section and Team-Taught Course Evaluations
In the previous “Project and Report Set-ups in Blue for Various Approaches to Handling Multi-Section and Team-Taught Course Evaluations” webinar, we talked about project and report set-ups in Blue for multi-section and team-taught course evaluations, as well as splitting and merging courses using DIG. The response rates can be found/monitored in three places in Blue (in the response table in cross-category report block, via the Response Rate Monitor, and through Subject Management, etc.). In this learning webinar, we will look at the various Blue features and functionalities you can use to share response rates in the effort to engage stakeholders and improve rates overall. Join this learning webinar as we continue the discussion reviewing the ways we can monitor response rates while understanding what we’re reporting on. We will also take a look at the enhanced features of the Response Rate Monitor released in Blue 9.2.
If you have any specific questions on this topic that you would like us to consider while preparing for this webinar, please feel free to let us know on your registration form or via this community’s webinar discussion forum post.
This learning webinar will also be delivered in French. To register for the French session, please see the separate registration form below.
Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- September 17, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- September 18, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- September 18, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Explorance's Solutions Architecture Team
Feedback Culture: How to Enhance Your Student Feedback with Pre-course Surveys
Discover how pre-course surveys help faculty connect with students from Day 1. The University of Pittsburgh’s new Pre-course Survey, launched in Spring 2024, enables instructors to gather formative feedback to set expectations and support student success. This Feedback Culture series session will cover:
- Using pre-course surveys to enhance teaching, response rates, and course design.
- The benefits of timely feedback and restricted report access.
- Gaining buy-in from faculty and administration.
- Customizing surveys and reports with Explorance Blue.
Attendees will also gain access to the Faculty Reflection on Student Feedback worksheet.
Date: Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Time: 1pm Eastern Time
Presented by: Lisa Votodian, University of Pittsburgh
Project and Report Set-ups in Blue for Various Approaches to Handling Multi-Section and Team-Taught Course Evaluations
Pairing definition? Multi-secondary definition? Project and report setups for multi-section and team-taught courses in Blue, as well as using DIG to split/merge courses, are commonly discussed topics. In this learning webinar, Explorance solution experts will share with you the different approaches you can take for multi-section and team-taught courses, and the implications of each approach that you can expect to see, particularly with respect to reporting needs for instructors, course coordinators, deans, and other stakeholders. At the end of this webinar, you will be able to decide on the best approach to use in Blue to meet your reporting needs for multi-section and team-taught courses.
If you have any specific questions on this topic that you would like us to consider while preparing for this webinar, please feel free to let us know on your registration form or via this community’s webinar discussion forum post.
This learning webinar will also be delivered in French. To register for the French session, please see the separate registration form below.
Date: Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- August 6, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- August 7, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- August 7, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Explorance's Solutions Architecture Team
MLY 2.0 Release Q&A Webinar
Join this release webinar to learn about the new features and functionalities in MLY 2.0. This release provides enhanced widgets functionality, including new Recommendations and Alerts widgets, options to view the most representative comments in widgets, and the ability to breakdown widgets in a top/bottom analysis using two key insights from a dataset, facilitating deeper dives into your qualitative data. We will also share how MLY 2.0 brings intelligent filtering, allowing users to streamline their datasets for analysis.
If you have any MLY 2.0 related questions, please feel free to submit them on the registration form and continue asking questions and discussing this topic in this community discussion forum post.
This learning webinar is scheduled to be delivered three times for our community members in different time zones worldwide. Register in a time zone that best fits your schedule.
This learning webinar will also be delivered in French. To register for the French session, please see the separate registration form below.
Date: Wednesday, July 17 , 2024
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- July 16, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- July 17, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- July 17, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presented by: Erika Cost, Explorance
Webinaire de Q&R sur la sortie de Blue 9.2
Dans ce webinaire, nous partagerons les améliorations clés de Blue 9.2 qui comprennent les améliorations dans le moniteur de taux de réponse et les journaux de rapports. L'équipe de produit d'Explorance a aussi soigneusement raffiné les expériences de Blue 9 en se basant sur les précieux feedbacks de nos clients depuis le lancement initial. Joignez-vous à ce webinaire de lancement pour voir comment Blue 9.2 peut élever votre productivité et rationaliser votre flux de travail.
Si vous avez des questions spécifiques sur Blue 9.2 que vous aimeriez voir abordées dans ce webinaire d'apprentissage, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part sur votre formulaire d'inscription ou via le forum de discussion de ce webinaire de la communauté.
Date: Mercredi 10 juillet 2024
Heure: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Heure de l'Est
Présentateurs: Nitin Sharma, Explorance
Blue 9.2 Release Q&A Webinar
In this release webinar, we will share key enhancements in Blue 9.2 which include the enhancements in Response Rate Monitor and report logs. The Explorance product team has also carefully refined Blue 9 experiences based on the valuable feedback from our customers since the initial release. Join this release webinar to see how Blue 9.2 can elevate your productivity and streamline your workflow.
If you have any specific questions on Blue 9.2 that you would like us to consider while preparing for this webinar, please feel free to let us know on your registration form or via this community’s webinar discussion forum post.
This learning webinar will also be delivered in French. To register for the French session, please see the separate registration form below.
Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- July 9, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- July 10, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- July 10, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Nitin Sharma, Explorance
Ask an Expert! May 15
In the interactive "Ask an Expert" learning webinar series, Explorance solution experts will answer pre-submitted questions from Blue users on a wide range of topics.** Whether you’ve just started with Blue or you’re an Expert, this webinar is for you! Please submit your questions or topics of interest on the registration form below and one week prior to the scheduled date, the description will be updated with the topics that we will be covering.
If you have any specific questions that you would like us to consider while preparing for this webinar, please feel free to let us know on your registration form or via this community’s webinar discussion forum post.
** while we do our best to cover all questions submitted, at times we may not be able to fit all the content in the time allotted. Rest assured that any question not covered, will be added to the list for the upcoming Ask the Expert webinar.
Based on your input, the topics that will be covered in this session include:
- Blue 8.1.2 patch release notes
- Question Personalization
- Question Bank
- How do I use Blue to run a weekly survey?
This learning webinar is scheduled to be delivered four times for our community members in different time zones worldwide. Register in a time zone that best fits your schedule.
Date: Wednesday, May 15 , 2024
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- May 14, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- May 15, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- May 15, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Explorance's Solutions Architecture Team
Feedback Culture: Redefining Teaching Effectiveness with Holistic Evaluation Methods
In this episode, we'll discuss:
- How a combination of self-assessment, peer reviews, and student evaluations of teaching can facilitate diverse perspectives on teaching and learning practices.
- The benefits of a holistic evaluation of teaching for faculty, students, and the institution.
- How the complexities of this comprehensive approach can be simplified and facilitated through frameworks and technology.
Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2024
Time: 12pm Eastern Time
Panelists: Elizabeth Gillis, Dalhousie University, Suzanne Le-May Sheffield, Dalhousie University, Veronica Womack, Northwestern University
Uncovering Valuable Insights from Qualitative Feedback with MLY - Practical Hands-on Tips and Recommended Practices
Join this learning webinar where we'll explore actionable strategies for getting the most out of MLY to uncover valuable insights from qualitative feedback for hidden strengths and areas for improvement. We will share advice on setting effective alert thresholds with the factors to consider and interpreting alert insights. We will also share newly added capabilities in MLY 1.8 to share insights with your stakeholders. By the end of the session, you'll gain practical hands-on tips and recommended practices to enhance your qualitative feedback analysis with MLY. If you have any specific questions on MLY that you would like us to consider while preparing for this webinar, please feel free to let us know on your registration form or via this community’s webinar discussion forum post.
This learning webinar is scheduled to be delivered four times for our community members in different time zones worldwide. Register in a time zone that best fits your schedule. This learning webinar will also be delivered in French. To register for the French session, please see the separate registration form below.
Date: Wednesday, March 27 , 2024
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- March 26, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- March 27, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- March 27, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presented by: Explorance's Solutions Architecture Team
Feedback Culture: Mitigating Implicit Bias in Course Evaluations
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2024
Time: 12pm Eastern Time
Panelists: Julie Schell, University of Texas at Austin, Joyce Chen, The Ohio State University, and Veronica Womack, Northwestern University
How to Use Data Integrity Gateway (DIG) to Make Data Preparation Faster for an Accurate Feedback Process
In this learning webinar, Explorance solution experts will share how the automation and delegation of data preparation tasks using DIG 3.0 can drive an accurate, data-driven feedback collection process. With the enhanced user interface in DIG 3.0, the functionalities such as in-line demographics editing, bulk editing, easier verification of who is assigned to which subject (the entity being evaluated), and more flexibility for tasks (such as the ability to modify subjects after publishing) will make the end user's life easier! Join this webinar to learn about how to use DIG 3.0 for data preparation in your feedback collection process. If you have any specific questions on DIG 3.0 that you would like addressed in this learning webinar, please feel free to let us know on your registration form or via this community’s webinar discussion forum post.
This learning webinar is scheduled to be delivered four times for our community members in different time zones worldwide. Register in a time zone that best fits your schedule.
This learning webinar will also be delivered in French. To register for the French session, please see the separate registration form below.
Date: Wednesday, March 13 , 2024
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- March 12, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- March 13, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- March 13, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presented by: Explorance's Solutions Architecture Team
MLY 1.8 Release Q&A Webinar
Join us to learn all about the MLY 1.8 Release! Highlights of this release include sharing analyses with other MLY users, a new “Viewer” user role, enhanced insights into the most relevant comments, and the ability to apply personalized analyses immediately for a more efficient workflow and improved system performance.
This learning webinar is scheduled to be delivered four times for our community members in different time zones worldwide. Register in a time zone that best fits your schedule.
This learning webinar will also be delivered in French. To register for the French session, please see the separate registration form below.
Date: Wednesday, February 28 , 2024
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- February 27, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- February 28, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- February 28, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presented by: Erika Cost, Explorance
Explorance World 2024 Conference - Q&A Webinar
Join this informative Q&A webinar, where we will dive into the exciting details of the upcoming Explorance World 2024 Conference – June 26-28! Bring your questions and discover more about this groundbreaking event, whose mission is connecting leaders working with feedback analytics to empower key business initiatives in higher education, Learning and development, and HR sectors.
Agenda Highlights:
- Introduction to Explorance World 2024
- Conference Format Unveiled
- AI and Feedback Integration
- Keynote Reveal
- Networking Opportunities
- Interactive Q&A Session
This learning webinar is scheduled to be delivered four times for our community members in different time zones worldwide. Register in a time zone that best fits your schedule.
This learning webinar will also be delivered in French. To register for the French session, please see the separate registration form below.
Date: Wednesday, February 21 , 2024
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- February 20, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- February 21, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- February 21, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenter: Anastasia Tsimiklis, CMO, Explorance
La mise en œuvre du Blue Dashboard est terminée. Quelle est la prochaine étape pour en tirer le meilleur parti ?
Avez-vous terminé la mise en œuvre de votre Blue Dashboard ou avez-vous récemment rejoint votre équipe d'administration de Blue Dashboard et vous êtes curieux de savoir quoi faire ensuite ? Ce webinaire d'apprentissage est conçu pour vous simplifier la vie en vous fournissant une présentation facile à digérer du parcours des données avec Blue Dashboard : de la mise à jour des données de feedback de Blue, à l'engagement des utilisateurs de votre Blue Dashboard, à fournir des informations, telles que les tendances au fil de temps, le tout, pour une prise de décision améliorée basée sur les données. Pour toutes éventuelles questions afin que le Blue Dashboard soit largement adopté et utilisé dans votre établissement, n’hésitez pas à les soumettre dans votre formulaire d’inscription!
Date: Mercredi 7 février 2024
Heure: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Heure de l'Est
Présentateurs: L'équipe d'architecture des solutions d'Explorance
Blue Dashboard Implementation Has Been Completed. What’s Next to Make the Best Use of It?
Have you finished your Blue Dashboard implementation or recently joined your Blue Dashboard Admin team and are curious about what to do next? This learning webinar is built to ease your mind by providing an easy-to-digest walk-through of the data journey with Blue Dashboard from updating the feedback data from Blue, to engaging your Blue Dashboard users, to delivering insights such as trends over time to the various stakeholders for enhanced data-driven decision making. For specific questions that you may have on Blue Dashboard to make it widely adopted and used in your institution, don’t hesitate to submit them in your registration form!
This learning webinar is scheduled to be delivered four times for our community members in different time zones worldwide. Register in a time zone that best fits your schedule.
This learning webinar will also be delivered in French. To register for the French session, please see the separate registration form below.
Date: Wednesday, February 7 , 2024
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- February 6, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- February 7, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- February 7, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Explorance's Solutions Architecture Team
Your Journey as a Blue 360 Administrator (Episode 3 of 3): Automation and Management
Now that you plan ahead for actionable insights you want to glean from your 360 evaluations, and strategize ways to encourage stakeholder engagement throughout the 360 process, in this last episode of this 3-part learning webinar series, we will share with you tips for the process optimization step in your journey as a Blue 360 Administrator – automation and management. Join this webinar to learn about important features and functionalities that make end-to-end automation and management with Blue 360 efficient, such as:
- Response rate management
- Rater network management
- Data change management (such as incoming changes of data from the HRIS or from ad hoc data change requests)
- Notification and schedule management
Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- December 12, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- December 13, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- December 13, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Dean Coologeorgen and Mohammed Sheraidah, Explorance
Blue 9 : Plateforme d'analyse de retour d'expérience de nouvelle génération
Dans ce webinaire, nous couvrirons toutes les nouvelles expériences et les améliorations fondamentales introduites avec Blue 9. Nous passerons en revue le nouveau Blue Home qui est configurable et personnalisable, jusqu'à la toute nouvelle authentification Explorance/ les SSO élargis et plus encore !
Date: Mercredi 29 novembre 2023
Heure: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Heure de l'Est
Présentateurs: Nitin Sharma and Alexandra Rascanu, Explorance
Blue 9: Next Generation Feedback Analytics Platform
In this release webinar, we will cover all the new experiences and foundational improvements introduced with Blue 9. We will review the new Blue Home that’s configurable and personalizable, to the all-new Explorance authentication/expanded SSOs and more!
This learning webinar will also be delivered in French. To register for the French session, please see the separate registration form below.
Date: Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- November 28, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- November 29, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- November 29, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Nitin Sharma and Alexandra Rascanu, Explorance
Ask an Expert! November 2023
In the interactive "Ask an Expert" learning webinar series, Explorance solution experts will answer pre-submitted questions from Blue users on a wide range of topics. We encourage you to submit your questions or topics of interest on the registration form below to help tailor this live session to best suit your needs.
Planned topics to cover in this "Ask an Expert" session include:
- DRA and missing hierarchy nodes and its impact on aggregate reporting
- Response rate trending & tracking
- Including task dates in notifications
- Centralized email with Blue 8 schedules
This learning webinar is scheduled to be delivered four times for our community members in different time zones worldwide. Register in a time zone that best fits your schedule.
This learning webinar will also be delivered in French. To register for the French session, please see the separate registration form below.
Date: Wednesday, November 15 , 2023
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- November 14, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- November 15, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- November 15, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Explorance's Solutions Architecture Team
Your Journey as a Blue 360 Administrator (Episode 2 of 3): Encouraging Engagement
In Episode 2 of this 3-part learning webinar series, we will share with you tips for the second step in your journey as a Blue 360 Administrator – engaging stakeholders and end-users (the raters) in the 360 process. Join this webinar to learn answers to key questions that are important for increasing engagement, such as:
- How do I engage the user (rater) in the 360 process?
- How can rater selection flexibility and business rules enforcement increase engagement?
- How can self-enrollment and opt-out functionalities help limit survey fatigue?
- How can allowing a mix of identified and non-identified respondents be beneficial?
- How can automated and customized email notifications improve engagement?
- How can live response monitoring and evaluation link sharing (such as with QR codes or by re-sending the evaluation invitation through Subject Management) help increase engagement?
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- November 7, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- November 8, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- November 8, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Dean Coologeorgen and Mohammed Sheraidah, Explorance
Ask the Experts! October 2023
In the interactive "Ask the Experts" learning webinar series, Explorance solution experts will answer pre-submitted questions from Blue users on a wide range of topics. We encourage you to submit your questions or topics of interest on the registration form below to help tailor this live session to best suit your needs.
This learning webinar is scheduled to be delivered four times for our community members in different time zones worldwide. Register in a time zone that best fits your schedule.
This learning webinar will also be delivered in French. To register for the French session, please see the separate registration form below.
Date: Wednesday, October 18 , 2023
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- October 17, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- October 18, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- October 18, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Explorance's Solutions Architecture Team
Your Journey as a Blue 360 Administrator (Episode 1 of 3): Planning Ahead for Actionable Insights
In Episode 1 of this 3-part learning webinar series, we will share with you tips for the first step in your journey as a Blue 360 Administrator – planning ahead for actionable insights. Join this webinar to learn answers to key questions that are important when beginning your journey as a Blue 360 Administrator, such as:
- What operational reports should I consider to help proactively increase response rates and stakeholder engagement at all levels throughout the 360 process?
- What strategic reports should I consider to provide summarized areas of development and strengths for individuals (ie. Johari window), as well as for ranking of competencies in aggregate reports at department level (such as top 3 strengths and top 3 weaknesses) to identify areas for improvement and strengths to continue building on?
- How can I utilize the Dashboard’s interactive features and functionalities to view trends in the data at the individual and aggregate level, compare data with benchmarks and across departments, and monitor the effectiveness of our feedback-informed improvement actions over time?
Date: Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- October 3, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- October 4, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- October 4, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Dean Coologeorgen and Mohammed Sheraidah, Explorance
Data Journey with Blue (Episode 3 of 3): End-to-End Automation & Delegation for Engagement
Now that you know how to prepare your data and how to sync the data to Blue, in this last episode of this 3-part learning webinar series, we will share with you tips for the final step in your data journey with Blue - end-to-end automation and delegation. Join this webinar to learn about important features and functionalities that make end-to-end automation and delegation with Blue efficient, such as:
- Giving permissions to change the data within the project (Subject Management)
- Automating the report delivery
- Updating projects after expiry - when and how to do it
- To be continued!
This learning webinar will also be delivered in French. To register for the French session, please see the separate registration form below.
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- September 26, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- September 27, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- September 27, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Fernando Sanchez and Krimo Bouaou, Explorance Presenters: Explorance's Solutions Architecture Team
Ask the Experts! September 2023
In the interactive "Ask the Experts" learning webinar series, Explorance solution experts will answer pre-submitted questions from Blue users on a wide range of topics. We encourage you to submit your questions or topics of interest on the registration form below to help tailor this live session to best suit your needs.
This learning webinar will also be delivered in French. To register for the French session, please see the separate registration form below.
Date: Wednesday, September 20 , 2023
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- September 19, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- September 20, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- September 20, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Explorance's Solutions Architecture Team
BlueML Dashboard 1.7 Release: More Efficient Workflows to Generate Faster, Deeper Insights
Join us to learn all about the BlueML Dashboard 1.7 release! Highlights of this release include one-stop multi-modal analysis, the ability to see key insights in the new multi-modal Overview, advanced filtering options, a French User Interface (UI), and more!
A French version of this session will also be held. Please see the webinar listed below to register.
Date: Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- September 5, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- September 6, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- September 6, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenter: Erika Cost, Global Manager, Explorance Training Academy
Data Journey with Blue (Episode 2 of 3): Syncing the Data to Blue
In Episode 2 of this 3-part learning webinar series, we will share with you tips for the second step in your data journey with Blue - syncing your data to Blue. Join this webinar to learn answers to key questions that are important in syncing the data to Blue, such as:
- What is data syncing and how does it work?
- How do I automate the data feed to Blue?
- To sync or not to sync? Not all data needs to be synced. How to go about “smart syncing of data”.
- What is project level filtering and how does it help?
- How do I add or delete data within the project and what is the impact I need to be aware of?
- How will the addition and deletion of data in the SIS impact your projects and reports?
This learning webinar will also be delivered in French. To register for the French session, please see the separate registration form below.
Date: Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- July 11, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- July 12, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- July 12, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Fernando Sanchez and Krimo Bouaou, Explorance
Ask the Experts! June 2023
In the interactive "Ask the Experts" learning webinar series, Explorance solution experts will answer pre-submitted questions from Blue users on a wide range of topics. In this June session, we will also share product enhancements that have been introduced with the Blue 8.1.1 release. We encourage you to submit your questions or topics of interest on the registration form below to help tailor this live session to best suit your needs.
A French version of this "Ask the Experts" session will also be held. Please see the webinar listed below to register.
Date: Thursday, June 29, 2023
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- June 28, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- June 29, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- June 29, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Mohammed Sheraidah, Krimo Bouaou, and Rittu Seghal, Explorance
Response Rate Optimization: Engaging Faculty and Students to Improve Response Rates
Given the importance of response rates in the validity of course evaluation results, institutions work hard for response rate optimization. And various research findings indicate that engagement of faculty and students are critical components in achieving higher response rates. In this webinar, we will show you various Blue features and functionalities used by institutions to increase engagement of faculty and students with tips for sharing response rates – how, where, when, and with whom. We will demystify common questions around Response Rate Monitor Dashboard (RRMD), Subject Management (SM), Feedback View, Blue Dashboard and reports in engaging stakeholders to improve response rates.
Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- June 20, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- June 21, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- June 21, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Alexandra Rascanu, Nitin Sharma, and Mohammed Sheraidah, Explorance
Data Journey with Blue (Episode 1 of 3): Preparing the Data
In Episode 1 of this 3-part learning webinar series, we will share with you tips for the first step in your data journey with Blue - preparing the data. Join this webinar to learn answers to key questions that are important in preparing the data, such as:
- How do I connect to Blue (Manual, Direct Feed from the SIS through Data Sync Tool (DST), through an SFTP site)?
- What if I need to bring more data from another source? How can Extension blocks be of help?
- What are the advantages of minimizing the number of datasources?
- Where does DIG fit in the picture?
This learning webinar will also be delivered in French. To register for the French session, please see the separate registration form below.
Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- June 13, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- June 14, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- June 14, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Fernando Sanchez and Krimo Bouaou, Explorance
Course Evaluations at Boise State University: A case study in “‘Blue’ Turf Thinking”
Over the past few years, Boise State University has been making a concerted effort to evaluate and improve their enterprise course evaluation system. Stakeholders in Academic Affairs and Information Technology looked at internal systems and processes as well as the web-based software tool that delivered the evaluations. This presentation describes Boise State’s transition to Blue from a legacy system (while also transitioning support and administration to central IT) and how it presented opportunities to examine and improve many of their practices, while introducing value adds like universal questions.
In this webinar you will learn about the history of course evaluations at Boise State, what led to transition to Blue, learning about the implementation and how the University has embraced it’s new course evaluation tool.
Date: Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Time: 1pm EST
Presented by: Dr. Leif Nelson and Michael Ellis, Boise State University
Blue Dashboard 4.0 Release Webinar: A Guided Tour of the New User Experience
The Blue Dashboard 4.0 release brings a totally new and exciting look to the user experience. Join us for a webinar that shows off and walks through the new interface. Little has changed in the administration interface for Blue Administrators, but a few changes of note will be presented.
Date: Thursday, May 11, 2023
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- May 10, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- May 11, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- May 11, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenter: David Norenberg, Product Training Specialist, Explorance
Handling Comments of Concern – Practices, Policies, Competency
Qualitative comments in course evaluations give details to insights contextualizing quantitative data, and more and more institutions are utilizing text-analytics technology such as Blue Text Analytics and BlueML to analyze qualitative comments. One of the capabilities that such text-analytics technology provides is detection of potentially concerning comments - overly negative, offensive, threatening, harassing, biased, and/or indicators of potential misconduct. The key question asked was “Are institutions ready to handle such comments of concern, as they are detected?” In this virtual panel session, panelists will discuss challenges in handling such potentially concerning comments and strategies on how to go about addressing such challenges, such as expanding or clarifying policies and procedures, identifying needed competencies for various stake holders (students, faculty, admin staff, etc), and ensuring that relevant training and communications are available.
Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Time: 4pm Eastern Time
Panelists: Brad Wuetherick, UBC; Lisa Votodian, University of Pittsburgh; Meagan Morrissey, University of Newcastle
Moderator: Pete Baccile, Explorance
Transforming Module Reports into Valuable Quality Assurance Resources
The standard Blue module surveys provide useful results of the student responses for actionable insights. But can we get them to work harder for us? Join the webinar to discover how Birkbeck have added greater context and providing a more rounded picture of the module and its place in the wider degree programme. Explore how module evaluation reports can become valuable quality assurance resources through:
- Using the closing-the-loop functionality to provide feedback back to students
- Enabling module leaders to write their own contemporaneous thoughts to assist with module development
- Enabling module leaders to provide context for their manager and head of department
- Grouping module results into Programme-wide reports
- Incorporating other module and programme data to provide greater context.
Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Time: 10am EST / 3pm BST
Presented by: Garmon ap Garth, Birkbeck University of London
Unlocking the Complexity of Student Evaluations in Medical Schools
Obtaining student feedback for medical and health sciences is critical and differs from other university programs due to specific scenarios such as different starting dates, block rotations, and multiple instructors. Student feedback gathering in medical and health schools faces a variety of challenges, including data accuracy and preparation, leveraging multiple data sources, monitoring new and dropped students, and new teacher assignments. A centralized system that can handle all surveys and evaluations in one project does not only increases efficiency but may be necessary for student success.
In this Panel discussion, we will go over various response rates techniques such as LMS integration, Reminders, the availability of in-class reminders, and QR codes. In addition, we will demonstrate how to disseminate reports at various levels, such as instructor, program, and/or school. Join us where our respected panelists will share their institution's best practices and techniques for medical school evaluations.
Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Time: 11am Dubai Time
Panelists: Dr. Heba Ismail, Dubai Medical College for Girls, Dr. Adrian Stanley, Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Dr. Maher Alandiyjany, Batterjee Medical College
Blue Dashboard 4.0 – Uncovering Essential Insights
Join this webinar to learn about the all-new Blue Dashboard 4.0. Get a sneak peek at the new UI/UX and functionalities to help you explore your data, including:
- Heatmapping
- Streamlined Filters
- Widget-based Summary View
- and much more...
Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- March 28, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- March 29, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- March 29, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Francois Beneteau, Explorance
Data to Insights – Part 2: How Washburn School of Nursing (SON) Transforms Data into Actionable Insights for Purposeful Improvements
You’ve collected your feedback data; now how do you turn it into actionable insights to improve the student learning experience, teaching effectiveness, and operational efficiencies? Join this webinar (part 2 of 2) to learn how Washburn SON makes sense of data from various sources (SIS, LMS, Blue, etc.) in Blue Dashboard and data warehouse in a way for various stakeholders to glean insights and take actions, using data from Blue as a basis for meta-analysis. Washburn SON will also share how the outputs from Blue are integrated to inform accreditation readiness and view improvement trends over time to improve student learning outcomes.
Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Time: 2pm Eastern Time
Presented By: Linda Merillat, Washburn University, School of Nursing
Blue 8.1: A Modernized Reporting Experience and More!
Join us to learn all about the Blue 8.1 release, including a modernized reporting administrator and end-user experience, public survey links available for 360 (Subject Definition) projects, an updated Item Bank that allows for the Cascaded Evaluation Framework, and more!
Date: Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- February 28, 8pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- March 1, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- March 1, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Dave Sykes, Product Training Specialist, Explorance Training Academy, Explorance
Data to Insights – Part 1: How Washburn School of Nursing (SON) Draws on the Power of Blue to Collect (“Project Set-ups”) and Report on Data (“Report Set-ups”) for Actionable Insights
Join this webinar (part 1 of 2) to learn how Washburn SON draws on the power of Blue with various project set-ups for a wide range of evaluations (such as end-of-term courses, end-of-program, peer-to-peer, agency-preceptor, and faculty workshop evaluations) to provide a more holistic view of student and faculty feedback for actionable insights. Washburn SON will also share how they bring scalability and consistency to their evaluations with the use of Blue Question Bank, to connect specific learning objectives as questions in course evaluations. In addition, you will learn how Washburn SON reports on this data at various levels (including reports for Instructors, Course Coordinators, Program Directors, Associate Deans, and Dean/Director of Assessments).
Date: Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Time: 2pm Eastern Time
Presented By: Linda Merillat, Washburn University, School of Nursing
Scheduling Different Course-Evaluation Periods and Emails in One Project
Blue 8’s scheduling functionality allows an institution to handle different course-evaluation periods and emails in one project with enhanced automation and flexibility for student engagement. As Bluenotes Community members shared their experiences in using Blue 8’s scheduling and email functionalities at the recent in-person Bluenotes GLOBAL 2022 conference, they are continuing the exchange of various business scenarios and ideas for problem solving together. In this webinar, we will show various real-world business scenarios the Bluenotes Community members are discussing with best practices for Blue 8.
Date: Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- November 8, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- November 9, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- November 9, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenter: Rittu Sehgal, Customer Success Manager, Explorance, supported by Mohammed Sheraidah, Executive Solution Architect, Explorance
New Blue Training Experience!
Join us to learn all about the recent updates to Blue Administrator training, including a modernized elearning platform, focused learning on Blue concepts and reporting, a new LMS and more!
Date: Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- November 1, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- November 2, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- November 2, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: David Norenberg, Product Training Specialist, Explorance and Erika Cost, Global Manager, Explorance Training Academy, Explorance
“A Significant Improvement”: Using Blue to Support Enhancement and Closing the Loop Activities
The University of Worcester has just completed its first 12 months of using Blue following a successful implementation project. This presentation will cover the positive impacts and some challenges of launching Blue across the institution, with a particular focus on how we are using the system to improve communications and feedback to students. We will examine 3 key projects that have been carried out, and identify how Blue is supporting wider goals around enhancement and the student experience.
Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Time: 12:00pm GMT (8:00am ET)
Presenter: University of Worcester
Blue Reports, Blue Dashboard, and Data Exports: What to Use When
A wide range of reporting and analytics needs for different stakeholders requires various approaches in higher-education institutions. In this webinar, our product experts will provide clarity on what to use when - what situations and business scenarios are best suited for leveraging Blue Reports, Blue Dashboard, and/or Data Exports. Join this webinar to learn how the insights gained through the strengths of Blue Reports, Blue Dashboard, and Data Exports will help benefit and fulfill the key reporting and analytics needs of stakeholders at every level in your institution.
Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- October 18, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- October 19, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- October 19, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenters: Long Hua, VP Product Management, Mohammed Sheraidah, Executive Solution Architect, and Nitin Sharma, VP Product, Explorance
Beyond Dashboards: How We Changed the Fabric of Decision Making
Years in the making, Sheridan's integrated suite of intelligence tools has transformed leadership's ability to consistently make faster, better decisions in high stakes situations, bringing IR to the fore in terms of visibility, credibility and strategic import. In the post-pandemic era of change and disruption, this work has tangibly improved our ability to successfully identify and adjust to changing market conditions. Beautifully designed and built on myriad interconnected data sets and custom predictive models, the suite covers all aspects of the institution’s business – administrative and academic, at strategic, tactical and operational levels – allowing users to quickly identify, contextualize and action issues and opportunities. In this presentation we take you from specific visualizations to big picture, reviewing concrete examples of how these tools drive success, and demonstrating how we delivered on our promise to accelerate decision making with more than 'just another dashboard.'
Date: Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Time: 2:00pm Eastern Time
Presenters: Dean Langan & Mark Neumann, Sheridan College
Effective Student Course Evaluations and Question Personalization for Instructors
Question Personalization allows instructors to add custom questions to their student course evaluations. In this session, we’ll discuss practical tips on how faculty can write effective questions and how the Center for Teaching and Learning at Washington University in St. Louis supports instructors interested in Question Personalization.
Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Time: 2:00pm Eastern Time
Presenters: Rick Moore, Ph.D., Assistant Director of Assessment and Evaluation & Kim Daniels, Registrar Services Specialist, Washington University in St. Louis
BlueML 1.5 Release Q&A Webinar
Join us to learn all about the BlueML 1.5 release! Highlights of this release include updates to the Polarity and Recommendations Models, a new Alerts (Beta) model, enhanced navigation features, and more!
Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule.
- May 31, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- June 1, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- June 1, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenter: Erika Cost, Global Training Manager, Explorance
Students' Feedback - How to Engage your Students and Increase Response Rates
When it comes to collecting students’ feedback from various surveys, many universities are often preoccupied with the response rate While the participation rate is important from a statistical point of view, the quality of feedback is what will help institutions in obtaining key student insights and making informed decisions.
To achieve that, it is essential to engage all stakeholders in the feedback process. This can be achieved by providing students with various feedback channels while also highlighting the significance of their voice in elevating the learning experience. Faculty, course coordinators, and program managers, on the other hand, should have the ability to track live response rates, obtain feedback on key initiatives and view timely reports. Facilitating a better engagement for all stakeholders via a more unified process will not only increase the response rate but will also fuel a cycle of continuous improvement.
Date: May 24, 2022
Time: 10AM KSA, 11AM UAE, 3PM Singapore
Presenter: Samer Jaffar, GM MENA & Singapore & Aya Alruzzi, Software Implementation Specialist, Explorance
Beyond Course Evaluations: Matching Feedback Needs to Blue Project Types
Are you getting comfortable with Blue? Are you wondering if you can use Blue to manage other feedback projects, but just aren't sure where to start? This is the webinar for you! In this interactive webinar, we will review the project types and how they work. Then, we'll explore unique scenarios and imagine ways to use Blue to make them happen.
Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule in your time zone.
- May 17, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- May 18, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- May 18, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenter: David Norenberg, Product Training Specialist, Explorance
Blue Dashboard 3.2: Supporting Multiple Dashboards and More!
As mentioned in the Blue Dashboard 3.1 webinar, version 3.2 provides the ability to host multiple dashboards. Well, 3.2 is here and that’s not all it does! Along with 3.2 comes a collection of new features that improve user experience. This webinar will illustrate the new functionalities and improvements.
Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Time: Three sessions are scheduled for Bluenotes Community members in different time zones worldwide. Select a session that best fits your schedule in your time zone.
- April 26, 9pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the APAC regions
- April 27, 8am Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in the Europe/Africa/Middle East regions
- April 27, 2pm Eastern time zone, mainly for customers in Americas regions
Presenter: David Norenberg, Product Training Specialist, Explorance
Wading Through Words: Finding Insights in Qualitative Data with BlueML
Responses to open ended questions are rich in feedback, but the sheer volume makes it difficult to derive meaningful conclusions. This webinar recording shows how to ask questions of your data, such as what students most appreciate about their instructors, or students’ views on course changes to improve their learning experience, and how those may differ between students who provide low vs. high quantitative scores. With BlueML, qualitative data can be distilled into actionable insights for anyone striving toward teaching excellence and greater student success, such as deans, program directors, course coordinators and curriculum committees.
Date: Thursday, April 14, 2022
Presenter: Stephanie Klein, Principal Consultant, Explorance
Learn How BlueX Surveys Help Instructors Get Feedback From Students, Seamlessly Integrated with Canvas LMS
BlueX is a simple and effective way to manage surveys through seamless integration with the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). With BlueX, instructors can create a wide variety of surveys within a familiar user experience, and much more. Join this interactive webinar to see firsthand how institutions can help instructors maximize student engagement with Canvas-LMS-integrated BlueX, by:
- An engaging interactive experience
- Ease of access and interaction through the LMS
- True accessibility
- Pop-ups, assignments, and grade pathways
Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Time: 10am EDT
Presenters: Mohammed Sheraidah and Nitin Sharma, Explorance
Bluenotes Community March Meetup to Discuss Guidelines for Instructors in Interpreting and Reporting Results
Over the past few years, Bluenotes Community members have identified the need for consistent recommendations and guidelines to help instructors interpret evaluation/assessment data to effectively inform teaching and course planning. A group of thought-leading practitioners in the Bluenotes Reporting & Analytics Community have collaborated to build a document of guidelines which centers around a common framework of language associated with reporting of evaluation data - the "Guidelines for Instructors in Interpreting and Reporting Quantitative Feedback" document and the "Guidelines for Instructors in Interpreting and Reporting Qualitative Feedback" document.
We'd like to invite you to meet monthly, starting January 2022 through June 2022, to further develop this document by incorporating feedback from you in Blue-using institutions around the world. The final result will be shared at the Bluenotes GLOBAL 2022 conference in Chicago (July 30-August 3, 2022).
Facilitator and Co-author of the Guidelines: John Jordi, PhD., University of Florida
Enhancing Quality through Management and Reporting of High Volume of Surveys: GMU's Success Story
View this webinar recording to learn best practices implemented at the Gulf Medical University on how several surveys and evaluations were administered across different medical and healthcare programs. The webinar also highlights how the results of these evaluations helped in addressing the accreditation standards at both local and international levels and hence fostered the quality assurance system at GMU. The webinar reflects on various features of Blue that were used in:
- Managing high volume of surveys versatile in scope
- Engaging academic teams in enhancing response rates
- Reporting the evaluation results to meet the customized requirements from the stakeholder
- New and enhanced features used for effective reporting of evaluation results
Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Time: 2:00pm KSA / 3:00pm UAE
Presenters: Prof. Sherief Khalifa & Dr. Syeda Asma Fatima, Gulf Medical University
Automatisation des Processus de Rétroaction avec Blue (Automating End-to-End Feedback Processes in Blue)
Blue offre un grand nombre de caractéristiques et de fonctionnalités qui permettent à vos processus de rétroaction d'être entièrement automatisés. Dans ce webinaire, nous démontrerons comment Blue peut être utilisé pour vous aider à automatiser vos processus de rétroaction du commencement à la fin. Nous discuterons des considérations dans le processus de mise en œuvre, des stratégies de planification et de synchronisation, de l'utilisation des données démographiques et des seuils dans la génération et la distribution des rapports, et bien plus encore.
(Blue provides a rich set of features and functionalities that enable your feedback processes to be fully automated. Life happens and things change: people are hired and leave, dates change, and expectations shift. In this webinar, we will learn how Blue can be leveraged to help you automate your feedback processes from beginning to end. We will be discussing considerations in the implementation process, scheduling and timing strategies, use of demographic data and thresholds in report generation and distribution, and much more.)
Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Time: 2pm CET (Paris) | 8am EST
Presenters: Francois Beneteau, VP Sales Enablement, Explorance
Share and Ask the Expert: Subject Management in Blue 8
Organizations use Subject Management (SM) to provide controls and ways to engage in a feedback process. In this webinar, we want to harness the power of collective knowledge and provide a space where YOU can share how you use SM. Through example sharing, attendees may find new ideas that can be integrated into their own feedback projects. Explorance's Executive Solution Architect will lead the conversation, share examples from his experience, and can also answer any questions on SM.
Presenter: Mohammed Sheraidah, Executive Solution Architect, Explorance
How Blue is Helping in Assessing the Quality of Education in AUC
At its best, high-quality assessments provides actionable insights to inform curriculum and instructional decisions that would facilitate in assessing and improving the Quality of Education. The first step is to vet and design relevant, standards-based surveys and evaluations that can be used to measure satisfaction and effectiveness at the different stages of the student’s learning journey. Quality Assurance and Institutional Research departments works side by side with the Information technology department to build up these well-structured surveys at AUC.
View this webinar recording to learn AUC's best practices on how they have partnered with Explorance to leverage the Blue platform to:
- Enhance the process of designing and publishing different types of surveys.
- Overcome previous challenges with regards to stakeholders’ engagement.
- Design comprehensive reporting, including longitudinal analysis.
- Disseminate timely reports based on the institution’s hierarchy.