Quantifying the Effect of the Learning Experience on…Learning

Can course evaluation results tell us anything about student learning? Sheridan has created a robust multivariate model that allows us to objectively measure (isolate) the extent to which a high-quality learning experience differentially impacts learning in subsequent courses (vs. lower-quality learning experiences). The effect is significant and meaningful; independent of grades (and several other variables), [...]

Just Don’t Call It “Blue” and Other Important Lessons From The Ohio State University’s Implementation Journey

What could be challenging about implementing one survey for an entire campus? One that must be available on the university’s own mobile app. With emails that conform to strict branding standards. And have optional comments. Plus reports for seemingly random people. Just for fun let’s go live during summer when there are 8 different sessions. [...]

Meet BlueX – Survey software that anyone in your institution can use

At this moment, surveys are being used to gather data at every level of your institution. Whether it’s a researcher collecting information for a study, an instructor capturing the voice of their students or a student gathering data as part of a class project, every stakeholder at your institution should be able to create the [...]